I'm not sure what's funnier - God having a Twitter account or Him following @JustinBieber.
Check out My new selfie! pic.twitter.com/ll2Ou9tzOF
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) March 17, 2013
Pictures, cats, pictures of cats.
I'm not sure what's funnier - God having a Twitter account or Him following @JustinBieber.
Check out My new selfie! pic.twitter.com/ll2Ou9tzOF
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) March 17, 2013
The recipe came from Gluten-Free On A Shoestring. Gluten-free and dairy-free!
Out of necessity, I made some substitutions. The weather was cold and the roads a bit icy yesterday, so I chose to go to local supermarkets rather than a health food store. I couldn't find coconut palm sugar so used regular sugar. I couldn't find pumpkin seeds so I substituted unsalted sunflower seeds. I forgot to put vegetable shortening on my list, so I used coconut oil.
And I should've checked to see if I had honey - I don't! I only discovered that halfway through baking tonight. I used maple syrup with a squirt of molasses and two squirts of corn syrup.
I tried one tonight - yummy!