My nephew Andrew has a micronation, the country of Zirconic. He's put a lot of work into the constitution amongst many things. He very specifically made the country accepting of sexual orientation and religion.
As the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, I can now extend to you an invitation to join this fine nation. There are two steps to the process:
MicroWiki entry on Zirconic
The oath:
As the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, I can now extend to you an invitation to join this fine nation. There are two steps to the process:
- Recite the Oath in the comments of this entry
- "Like" Zirconic's Facebook page
MicroWiki entry on Zirconic
The oath:
I pledge allegiance to the country of Zirconic.
I pledge to fulfill all responsibilities and duties of a Zirconian citizen, such as voting and running in the bi-yearly elections.
I pledge to respect all the rights of all my fellow citizens, including those who cannot speak for themselves.
I pledge to make my country proud.