A little bit of deja vu - Hermione once again sat herself down, next to Chloe, in hopes of some kitty snuggles.

She tried the old "I'm going to bathe myself and 'accidentally' snuggle up against Chloe" trick.

She earned a couple of licks from Chloe.

But Chloe wasn't interested in snuggles. As usual.

So Hermione decided to snuggle with Charlie as he napped.

Problem - this cat bed isn't big enough for both of them and Hermione's gangly legs.

She jumped out and Charlie went back to sleep.

Chloe had moved, so Hermione jumped back onto the top of the loveseat. "Will no one snuggle with me?"

Poor widdle thing. It's exhausting being a kitten. :-)

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