Pictures, cats, pictures of cats.
On the left is my Joy Jar of 2013. It contains 365 scraps of paper. Every night I wrote down something that brought me joy and put it in the jar. I didn't have a Joy Jar in 2014. There was joy and I accomplished some goals but right now, 2014 represents being laid off and dealing with depression and anxiety. On the right is my Joy Jar for 2015. :-) #joyjar #hopeA photo posted by Angelamermaid (@angelamermaid) on Jan 1, 2015 at 10:54pm PST
On the left is my Joy Jar of 2013. It contains 365 scraps of paper. Every night I wrote down something that brought me joy and put it in the jar. I didn't have a Joy Jar in 2014. There was joy and I accomplished some goals but right now, 2014 represents being laid off and dealing with depression and anxiety. On the right is my Joy Jar for 2015. :-) #joyjar #hope
A photo posted by Angelamermaid (@angelamermaid) on Jan 1, 2015 at 10:54pm PST