Thursday, 7 November 2013

Post-op life. With silly gifs.

... I've been thinking I need to start cutting out sugar again. I did it once, years ago, but it crept back in. Because sugar is magical and sparkly.

 photo 9a928o.gif

Now, in my post-op life without ovaries ... I'm starting to see a correlation between eating too much chocolate and getting a migraine.

 photo 51yiph.gif

Migraines are not cool.

Headache photo headache_zps3097f377.gif

But imagine ... a life without chocolate.

Piper crying photo

I mean ... I'm missing out on a lot of food already thanks to being gluten-free.

 photo june-kd.gif

All the affordable gluten-free bread I've tried has an unappetizing texture.

Satan lives toast photo cmt-medium1_zps2550ea29.gif

At least the hormone surges have died down. They were really crazy 1-2 weeks post-op.

 photo 11mcq4pjpg.gif

That may have been TMI.

 photo sw7q7c.gif

Anyways things are better and my surgeon has cleared me for all activities.

 photo 2whjb4l.gif

Although this is another Thursday night of staying home and watching TV.

 photo 2uruko0.gif

Well, there's always Splenda and sugar-free chocolate.

 photo f3b5uu.gif

In the meantime, my chocolate buzz is wearing off.

 photo meerkat_zps4ee43e12.gif

Hope I don't have strange dreams tonight.

Toaster on fire photo cmt-medium_zps85ccfe32.gif


  1. LOL That was like the best animated gif blog entry EVER! :)

    Glad you're feeling better, too :)

  2. Hehe this was great, loved that Veronica Mars was in there!

    Also, Stevia is great too.
